Understanding the TPLO Procedure: A Guide for Pet Owners
As a devoted pet owner, you want nothing but the best for your furry friend. When it comes to knee injuries in dogs, veterinarians commonly recommend the Tibial Plateau Leveling

K-Laser Therapy
Regenerative medicine is a growing field of pet medicine that helps restore joint health and mobility by encouraging the body to repair and restore itself. Treatments like K-Laser Therapy accomplish

K9 Officer Valco Needs Your Help
The Justice Program works only with retired K9 Officers. Retired K9’s often do not have medical coverage from their departments once their service is completed – we are changing that.

K9 Officer Bady Needs Life Saving Care
K9 Officer Bady was, and still is a decorated officer. K9 Bady served the state of Florida for a solid 8 years. During his service, K9 Bady suffered a broken

Thunderstorm Phobia in Dogs
Thunderstorm phobia, also called fear of thunderstorms or storm phobia, is a common issue in dogs. The body’s response to fearful stimuli, such as loud thunder, is a normal way

Does your pet have a harder time breathing in the summer
With summer in the air, it’s getting particularly hard for some animals to breathe. This is especially the case for short-nosed – or flat-faced dogs such as the Pekingese, pug,